Monday, December 14, 2009

Haryanwi Is Banned On Irc

13:09 - 3/10/2009 10:36
13:09 - This is the short MOTD. To view the complete MOTD type /motd
13:09 -
13:09 - CHAT4ALL Network, Short MOTD V1.2 -- Last Updated: 2009-10-03
13:09 - Welcome to the CHAT4ALL IRC Network; a free, publicly accessible network.
13:09 - This is server:
13:09 - If you intended to be on the USA server, enter via
13:09 -
13:09 - On this network we do not condone:
13:09 - * Racism, harassment, personal attacks or other abuse;
13:09 - * Flooding, Spamming or Advertising;
13:09 - * Illegal activities (such as Warez,(D)DoS or childporn);
13:09 - * Nuking of any kind, such as warbots or using exploits;
13:09 - * Advertising, or Promoting of other chatservers;
13:09 - * Excessive Cloning: Max.4 concurrent connections per IP;
13:09 - * Use of (Open-)Proxy or Tor-servers;
13:09 - * Indecent conversations with minors;
13:09 - * Impersonating our staff members or claiming to be part of the staff;
13:09 - * Claiming to have admin/operator rights, unless you have those rights.
13:09 -
13:09 - Upon accessing this server, your connection will be scanned for open proxies,
13:09 - and your IP will be matched against several 3rd party blacklists. These scans
13:09 - will originate from IP address For details, please type
13:09 - /helpop aboutproxies
13:09 -
13:09 - We reserve the right to block or terminate your connection at our discretion.
13:09 - Please keep IRC fun for everyone by abiding to these rules. If you don't,
13:09 - you risk being temporarily or permanently revoked access to our chatserver.
13:09 -
13:09 - The Chat4all staff wish you a nice and pleasant stay on this network!
13:09 - $ IRC Network Staff:
13:09 - $ Adonis (Root)
13:09 - $ Saya (Co-Netadmin)
13:09 - $ FiXato (Co-Netadmin)
13:09 - $ Foxman (Services Operator)
13:09 - $ Siiw (IRC Operator)
13:09 - $ Unknown_Entity (IRC Operator)
13:09 - $ Reikart (IRC Operator)
13:09 - For more detailed staff-contact information, type /quote staff
13:09 - If you need IRC-related support, and you've read the full version of the MOTD,
13:09 - then they can assist you in #help or through a support ticket at:
13:09 -
13:09 -
13:09 - This is the short version of our MOTD; /quote motd ^ offers the full version,
13:09 - while /quote rules contains a list of our rules.
13:09 -
13:09 - *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~[ IRC is a privilege NOT a right ]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
13:09 +++ Haryanwi set to mode +wx
13:09 You are banned from the channel #theadmins

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